
In addition of callbacks, Lounge utilizes native Promises for async operations. We support callback-style and Promise-style API, but you should not mix and use both at the same time. If a callback is provided a promise is not returned and normal callback-style control flow happens. If no callback is provided a promise is returned, of course you do not have to do anything with it if you do not care about the result of an operation. Resolved promises only return the first success result parameter, so methods that would normally return more than 2 arguments via a callback (such as the missing argument in find*) lose that parameter when invoked promise-style. If you need that call the methods using callbacks. Promise support can be completely turned off using promisify configuration setting within the Lounge object. Simple example for ES6:

const lounge = require('lounge')

const createUserSchema = () => {
  return lounge.schema({
    firstName: String,
    lastName: String,
    email: String

const createUser = User => {
  return new User({
    firstName: 'Joe',
    lastName: 'Smith',
    email: ''

const connOpts = {
  connectionString: 'couchbase://',
  bucket: 'lounge_test'

  .then(schema => lounge.model('User', schema))
  .then(user =>
  .then((savedDoc) => {
    console.log(`User instance ${} saved.`)
  }).catch(e => {

With Node.js 8 we can use async / await for async control.

await lounge.connect({
  connectionString: 'couchbase://',
  bucket: 'lounge_test'

const schema = lounge.schema({
  firstName: String,
  lastName: String,
  email: String

const User = lounge.model('User', schema)

const user = new User({
  firstName: 'Joe',
  lastName: 'Smith',
  email: ''

const doc = await
console.log(`User instance ${} saved.`)