Document Operations

Saving Documents

Saving documents is done using save function that every model instance has. This will execute all pre 'save' middleware and then perform Couchbase upsert operation on any subdocuments and the actual document. It will also perform lookup document updates and finally execute any post hook middleware.

From our example code above:, savedDoc) {
  if(err) console.log(err)

All documents and subdocuments would be upserted into the database., options, fn)

data - any data to be set into the model before saving.


All options not present here are first looked up from schema options, and then from config options.

  • storeFullReferenceId - whether to save embedded document property values as full document keys or just the base value
  • storeFullKey - whether to save the internal document key property as fully expanded value or as the simple value
  • refIndexKeyPrefix - lookup index document key prefix.
  • waitForIndex - whether we want to wait for indexing to finish before returning. default is false.
  • virtuals - whether we want to save virtuals. default is false.
  • minimize - to "minimize" the document by removing any empty properties. Default: true
  • expiry - couchbase upsert option
  • persist_to - couchbase persist_to option
  • replicate_to - couchbase option

Getting Documents

All models created come with a static function findById that can be used to look up a single or multiple keys and retrieve documents from the database. If key does not exist and document is not found we do not return an error but also no model is generated. This is different than present couchbase module behaviour.

User.findById('user123', function(err, doc) {
  if(err) console.log(err) // there was an error looking up the key
  else if(!doc) console.log('no document found')
  else console.log(doc) // doc is instance of User and will print it out

We can get multiple keys using an array as the first parameter. In this case, the callback invoked is passed 3 arguments in form (err, documents, misses).

User.findById(['user123', 'user456'], function(err, docs, misses) {
  if(err) console.log(err) // there was an error looking up the key
  console.dir(docs)        // array of Users found
  console.dir(misses)      // array if keys not found.

When findById is invoked using a single string argument the result returned is a single model instance. When an array is passed in we return the results as described above. To force array type of returns in all cases, set the Lounge config option alwaysReturnArrays to true. Default is false.

By default order of the generated objects in an array result is not guaranteed to be the same order as the ids queried. To keep the order of the returned model instances the same as the ids set keepSortOrder option to true.

By default the findById and index query functions return 3 parameters to the callback in form (err, docs, missing). If we want to force returning of 2 params at all times (err, docs), and not return the missing parameter, we can use the missing options either in Lounge settings to set globally, or individually in function invocations. If missing option is set to false we won't return missing keys as the final param in the callback.

lounge.setOption('missing', false)
User.findById(['user123', 'user456'], function(err, docs, misses) {
  if(err) console.log(err) // there was an error looking up the key
  console.dir(docs)        // array of Users found
  console.dir(misses)      // undefined
lounge.setOption('missing', false)
User.findById(['user123', 'user456'], { missing: true },function(err, docs, misses) {
  if(err) console.log(err) // there was an error looking up the key
  console.dir(docs)        // array of Users found
  console.dir(misses)      // array of missing keys, as the option in function params takes presidence

Removing Documents

Removing documents is done using remove function that every model instance has. This will execute all pre 'remove' middleware and then perform Couchbase remove operation. It will also perform lookup document updates and finally execute any post hook middleware. By default this function does not remove embedded documents. To do this set removeRefs options to true.

user.remove(function(err, doc) {
  if(err) console.log(err)

If we want all subdocuments to be removed:

user.remove(function(err, {removeRefs: true}, doc) {
  if(err) console.log(err)

This will execute removal, hooks and indexing operations for all documents and subdocuments.

Models have static remove function that can be used to perform document removal.

User.remove('user123', function(err, doc) {
  if(err) console.log(err)