Embedded Documents

Lounge allows for embedding and referencing other Models within schema.

const addressSchema = lounge.schema({
  street: String,
  city: String,
  country: String

const Address = lounge.model('Address', addressSchema)

const blogPostSchema = lounge.schema({
  title: String,
  body: String

const BlogPost = lounge.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema)

const userSchema = lounge.schema({
  name: String,
  address: Address,
  posts: [BlogPost]

const User = lounge.model('User', userSchema)

const post = new BlogPost({
  title: 'Foo',
  body: 'Lorem ipsum'

var user = new User({
  name: 'Bob Smith',
  posts: [post],
  address: new Address({
    street: '123 Fake Street',
    city: 'Springfield',
    country: 'USA'

user.posts.push(new BlogPost({
  title: 'Post 2',
  body: 'Some more text!'

You can manipulate and work with subdocument just like any model instances. When the top level document is saved all child subdocuments are saved as well. Subdocuments must be an instance of the Model defined in the schema or a String in which case it represents the key / id of the subdocument.

If needed we can also specify embedded document type of a model that is not defined yet. For example:

var siteSchema = lounge.schema({
  owner: {type: lounge.Model, modelName: 'User'},
  url: String

var Site = lounge.model('Site', siteSchema)

var userSchema = lounge.schema({
  email: String,
  name: String

var User = lounge.model('User', userSchema)

var user = new User({
  name: 'Joe Smith',
  email: 'jsmith@gmail.com'

var site = new Site({
  url: 'http://wwww.mysite.org',
  owner: user